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SOWING A SEED OF FAITH: The Secret Garden of Christian Growth


Updated: Feb 13

"I recently watched the movie The Secret Garden with my youngest

daughter. It's a story of a young troubled girl who grew up angry and

bitter because she was ignored and not shown love from her parents.

Her parents died so she went to live with the only family she had left.

Her uncle, the master of the home, was also grieving the loss of his

wife, who was the twin sister of the girl’s mother. Although she had

been gone for years, he fell into a state of sickness and sadness from

which he struggled to recover. As a result, he stayed away from his

home. Once again, the young girl was neglected.

The once-gorgeous and vivacious castle estate where they lived

was now a cold, unwelcoming place of grief and sorrow. The little girl

discovered a key that led to the entrance of a secret garden that had become

forbidden for anyone to enter. But the little girl and her friendly

companion, a boy of one of the servant’s, secretly snuck in and began

to restore the garden to life. They worked the ground, extracting the

weeds and planting seed after seed of different flower species.

One day, the little girl heard a lonely cry and discovered another

secret within the castle walls—the master’s ten-year-old son. He had

been hidden away, bedridden and imprisoned within his dark chambers

and held captive within his own home for his entire life.

Although he was the same age as the little girl, he had never gone outside

in the sunlight. His windows were boarded shut, and few were permitted

to enter his room. The boy and all who knew him, except this little girl,

believed he was sick and dying, having inherited the sickness of his father.

The little girl and boy became friends. Over time, she exposed the

truth to the boy, that he wasn’t sick and dying. He was merely weak and

had been fed a lie, concealing his true nature.

The little girl helped the boy to grow strong in faith and escape the restraint

of his boarded life. She exposed him to the light and shared her secret

garden with him. The boy took his first steps in that garden and grew to

really live, just like the seeds that were planted.

Like the little girl, the boy had also grown up feeling unloved and

unwanted by his father, who was always away. He cried out for him to

come back home one day and stay.

Miraculously, the father felt the cry of his son’s heart and returned

home to find him walking, playing, and fully alive in the secret garden.

The two were reunited in love, and the little girl was also finally accepted

and loved by the master as well.

Together as a family, they came out of the secret garden healed

and emerged beautifully from hiding. All saw the father and these

newly-healed children walking, playing, living, and loving again.

The once-forbidden secret garden was now made available to all. The terrible

grief and sadness were lifted off the castle, and peace and joy

returned to the land.

The Secret Garden, Walking as Children of Light
The Secret Garden (Walking as Children of Light)

This inspiring story is true for God’s children as well. We all have

inherited pain, sickness, and death from our fallen parents, Adam and

Eve. However, much like the little girl who came to the crying boy, Jesus

hears our cries of bondage and comes to find us in our dark places.

He becomes our friend and promises life to us if we’re willing to leave

the agonizing comfort of our boarded walls and make the decision to

take a stand in faith and follow Him into the light. He takes us on a journey outside

the confinement that we’ve known so we can discover the hidden

secrets He wants to reveal. We’re invited to enter this sacred garden we

were once forbidden from only because Jesus made a way for us. He is

the key that unlocks the gate to the entrance of this glorious paradise.

Without Him, no one may enter. Behind these walls lies accessibility to

abundant and everlasting life beyond our wildest imagination. The secret

garden is a sacred place where magic happens and miracles grow.

Living unloved produces a cold, hard, heart of bitterness, anger,

and sorrow, but discovering this truth and the love of the friend we

have in Jesus brings healing to our bodies, restoration to our souls, and

eternal life to our spirits. Jesus sets us free from the lies of the enemy

and the curses inherited through Adam and Eve.

Upon receiving this key, we unlock the mystery of truth, escape

death, and enter into a new covenant of blessings, knowing we are

wanted, provided for, and loved throughout eternity by our Heavenly

Father. We emerge as He transforms us into who we were created to

be. We take on His beautiful nature and rejoice in singing, dancing,

laughing, playing, and planting while living in peace, having received

the key to the secret garden. We no longer live alone in the dark shadow

of fear and death. We walk in light, new life, and freedom.

Our bodies and our hearts are healed and cleansed of sickness and

lies. We become a blessed people, not cursed. This is how our loving

Father wishes to find His children when our Master returns for us.

We must learn to walk as children of light!

Walk in Light

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the

Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all

goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable

to the Lord (Ephesians 5:8–10 NKJV).

I will sing for joy in God, explode in praise from deep in my

soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in

a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo

and a bride a jeweled tiara.

For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a

garden cascades with blossoms, So the Master, God, brings

righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before

the nations (Isaiah 61:10-11 MSG).

Just as the dark pupils of our eyes adjust and grow smaller in the

presence of light, so does the darkness within us grow dimmer as the

light shines brighter. God called for Adam in the Garden of Eden and

invited him to come out of hiding, reveal what he had done, and bring

it into the light so that He could cover both him and Eve. Now God is

calling us to step into the light so that we may emerge out of darkness.

He is calling us to become who we were created to be—His resurrected

beings, His bride.

As God plants His seed of faith, truth, and love within our hearts, we begin to

emerge, blooming and sharing the fragrance and beauty of our secret

garden with others.

Once we’ve received His kiss of life and entered into our secret garden

with God, He tends to us according to our individual needs as our


While we’re still here on Earth, we enter into intimacy with

Jesus and are constantly growing, maturing, and evolving into new life

until we reach our final destination in heaven—our eternal paradise.

His plan for us here on Earth is to produce a beautiful garden inside

of us, bringing forth tasteful fruit, vegetation, and shade for others to

benefit from and direct attention to His marvelous creation."

-Emergence: How to Experience Beauty and New Life in Dead and Dark Places,

Mistie House

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from my award-winning book, Emergence.

For more Christian encouragement and to learn about all of my books, please visit my website at the link below.

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God bless,

Mistie House

Award-Winning Christian Author| Illustrator | Podcaster

Sowing a Seed of Faith: Cultivating Christian Growth (sowing spiritual seeds)


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