Have you ever seen a moonbow? Have you ever even heard of one?
A moonbow is a rainbow produced by moonlight rather than sunlight. It is a rare occurrence that takes place as light is reflected off of the moon.

I have had the privilege of seeing a moonbow only once in my lifetime while vacationing in Maui, Hawaii.
On the first night of our anniversary trip, storms rolled in. While my hubby and I were having dinner that evening in a restaurant our server began telling us about a rare phenomenon taking place at this very moment. We quickly rushed outside to look at the night sky and seek it out for ourselves.
The sight of glorious light hovering over a dark sea was truly one of God’s marvelous wonders to witness and behold!
A few nights ago, God reminded me of this magnificent moment in time.
He began to speak to my heart and reassure me that:
Amid stormy seasons and dark nights, HOPE remains and LIGHT is still evident and present to all who SEEK it out and LOOK upon it.
Jesus is still the LIGHT of the world and HIS PROMISES remain even in the darkest night and strongest storm.
Christian rainbow meaning: A sign, seal, and loving promise from God
And God said to Noah, “This [rainbow] is the sign of the covenant (solemn pledge, binding agreement) which I have established between Me and all living things on the earth.”
{Genesis 9:17 AMP}
Then God said to Noah and his family, “I establish my loving covenant with you, your descendants, and every living creature that is with you—animals large and small, birds, and every living thing that came out of the ark. I will maintain my loving covenant with you.
I will never again completely destroy life on earth by means of a flood. Yes, never again will a flood destroy the whole earth!”
“Here is the sign for you and future generations that my loving covenant will endure between me and you and every animal that came with you out of the ark:
I have placed my rainbow among the clouds, and it will be a sign of my loving covenant between me and the earth.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant with you and with every living thing upon the earth. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy life from the earth. When the rainbow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant I made with you and every living thing of every kind upon the earth.”
{Genesis 9:8-16 TPT}
Moonbow spiritual meaning: The Darker the Days, The Brighter God's Light
In this moment of time, the world is often struck by storm and I believe He brought this to my attention for a very specific purpose:
To remind His children of His covenant promises and to offer His people HOPE!
Look Up to Heaven and BEHOLD (see, observe, gaze upon, marvel at with your own eyes) the beauty and wonders of God!
Behold in the Bible means— “To look; to direct the eyes to an object” “To hold”
We are to Look to God in the storms and Hold on tight to what He has spoken to be true and eternal—His promises to us!
Dark Times call for us to Behold God’s Promises like never before.
Therefore, we must seek them out in Scripture, bind them around our necks, and hold them tightly to our hearts.
Just as a moonbow is a rare observation, in dark days, His promises can be harder to see and more difficult to believe. But trust in the Lord and look to His Light.
Seek to Behold His Truth.
Hold on to God’s promise that He would never again send a flood to destroy the earth and everyone in it.
Hold on to who God is when we are afraid.
Hold on to who we are to Him when we doubt.
Hold on to what He promises to do and what we can expect in days to come.
And let go of the world’s troubles—fear, insecurity, and worry.
Rest assured. His word will be fulfilled. He is in control. God is still on the throne.
“So also will be the word that I speak; it does not return to me unfulfilled. My word performs my purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it out to accomplish.”
{Isaiah 55:11 TPT}
God’s Word is His promise to show love, compassion, and forgiveness to all who turn to Him—look to, gaze upon, and behold Him.
His words are not empty promises. He will fulfill His purposes and make our way prosperous.
God has made many promises to believers—those who have turned away from sin and are "born again" and look to Him and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. And He is good and true to His word both now and forever.
Behold Him!
Look Up to His Heavenly Light!
Witness His marvelous glory SHINE through the dark of night and REVEAL brighter days to come!
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
{Genesis 1:1-3}
This world needs HOPE and LIGHT more than ever.
I believe we are facing a rare moment in time where we, as the Church, are being called upon to look to God so that we may reflect His Light and emit His Truth upon the world.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
{Matthew 5:16}
You were created for such a time as this!
Will you SHINE in the darkness?
May the Light of His Presence SHINE through you as it is REFLECTED from Him.
A moonbow, a moonbow.
Jesus wants me for a moonbow.
A moonbow, a moonbow.
I’ll be a moonbow for Him.
Let There Be Light
Mistie House
In the Beginning
When God made all of Creation, He dispelled darkness with a spoken command.
He called out into the darkness,
“Let There Be Light”
And It Was So.
When the Fall of Man came upon us, God created a Way for Us.
He called His Son to dispel the power of darkness by sending the Light to us,
So that In Him
Light could shine Through Us.
He commanded,
“Let There Be Light”
And It Was So.
In His Word, God has spoken the command for Us to dispel the darkness in this World.
He has called Us to become a New Creation
Salt and Light for our generation.
He commands,
“Let There Be Light”
And May It Be So.
In The End
God will speak the command to dispel darkness Once and For All.
He will call His Son to Reappear
And On that Day
Will Forever
For the Lord God is the Light
And All Will See
The Glory of God
Who gives us Light
And the Lamb
Who is the Lamp
The command is coming,
“Let There Be Light”
And It Will Be So.
For more Christian encouragement, please check out my books by visiting the links below.
God bless,
Mistie House
Award-winning Christian author and host of the Beloved Bride Christian women's podcast
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